How to Deal with the Name Change After Marriage with Wedding Officiant NJ

Couples follow a common practice to change their names to match their new spouse as a mark of love. However, changing the name is a legal process as it is getting married in a marriage officiated by a wedding officiant NJ. Your New Jersey wedding officiant apart from performing wedding rituals also signs the wedding license to legalize your wedding. Once the legal aspect is cleared, you are ready to apply for your name change.

However, you might be wondering what will happen after the name change. Will I need to change my email id. as well? Or is my passport still valid with a new name? We have come up with the answers to these pressing questions. 

Different states have different rules 

In the US, there are different rules in different states regarding changing names. However, marriage has become a valid reason for name change in each state and have enough resources in every state to initiate the process. Besides, your name change will have no bearing on the validity of your email ids or social media platforms. But it can affect many important documents such as your driving license, social security number, and passport.

Driving License 

A driving license is an important document. You can change your name on your driving license either by visiting the local DMV or applying online. Check which one is more prevalent in your state. You need to submit a processing fee for initiating the process of the name change. You need to submit the documents such as your original photo ID and your marriage license to the DMV. 

 Social Security Card 

A social security card is a federally issued document so the rules for name change are the same throughout the states. It doesn’t matter in which state you are applying for the name change. After showing proof of identity, you get a simple form that you will have to fill out. You need to submit the form by mail or in-person to the local social security office.


The next step is to oversee the name change on your passport after the marriage. The process of the name change on the passport is comparatively a time-taking task, so if you are planning to travel abroad immediately after your marriage with a name change, plan the name you will use to book the flight and hotels.

Your marriage license is the ticket to initiate a name change on all official documents. You can also hire name change services who can assist you in all your efforts. For other wedding ceremony-related queries, you can contact Nautical Wedding Bells, a trusted New Jersey wedding Officiant. Captain Arnold is a reputed NY wedding celebrant who can assist you in performing memorable wedding ceremonies. For more details, contact Nautical Wedding Bells.


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