How an NJ Wedding Minister Writes a Wedding Ceremony Script in 7 Steps

 Whether you are an experienced NJ Wedding Minister or officiating a wedding for the first time, writing a wedding ceremony script is always going to be a challenging task. Though a wedding ceremony often has fixed steps, so when you are clear with various stages in the ceremony, it becomes convenient to attempt your first draft of writing a wedding ceremony script.


NJ wedding minister

The best wedding officiant NJ follows step-by-step instructions to write the script. Here are a few well-defined steps to follow if you are planning to write a wedding ceremony script.


1. Think about what the couple means to you

Before starting, give a small piece of thought about your feelings towards the couple. This is a valuable step as your feeling toward the couple will set the right tone for the ceremony. The idea here is to develop a tone that resonates with the couple. 

2. Go through other wedding ceremony scripts  

Look wedding ceremony script is not a lengthy document, so reading it should not consume much time. It is always small and crispy. So, read other wedding ceremony scripts to understand the conventions and the format. Once you have internalized the format, it will be convenient for you to write your own script.

3. Consult with the couple

Collaborating with the couple at the early stage of writing a wedding script is important. The couple can give you a better idea about the tone to maintain and the theme, length, and rituals involved in the wedding ceremony.

4. Complete the first draft

Now that you have done all your background work, it is time to start writing the script. Don’t write the script start-to-finish. Focus on each step of the ceremony at a time and write down the barest minimum that is required to conduct the ceremony. It is like you are putting up a foundation for a big structure to build.

5. Recite it to yourself

When your first draft is complete, take time to read it to yourself. Words feel different when recited as compared to on the paper. When you recite the first draft of your script, keep an ear for any awkwardness. Make a necessary change and recite the new script aloud again.

6. Include detailed stage direction

When you have made all the necessary changes, you must add detailed stage direction to the wedding ceremony script. It is really critical that you don’t lose sight when officiating a ceremony. A wedding ceremony is a highly choreographed performance with many moving pieces; therefore, the script should include stage direction.

7. Read the script to your friend

After adding detailed stage direction to the wedding ceremony script, the best wedding officiant NJ reads it to the friends. Their friends’ feedback – negative or positive – is always valuable. Based on their feedback, you can again make the required changes in the script, so you end up having the perfect wedding ceremony script in your hand.


In case you have any issues with writing the wedding ceremony script, write to the experts at Nautical Wedding Bells. It is the best wedding officiant in NJ. For more information about the NJ Wedding Minister visit our website.


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